Overall, I would just caution you to make sure you don't smoke cigarettes while on Yaz, since it does have a much higher risk of bloot clots than other pills, but if you're struggling with acne and painful cycles I'd say give it a shot and see how it agrees with your body. Hope you have a good experience! Did you have this experience by any chance?The general rule of thumb is to wait 3 months for your body to get used to the hormones, the worst side-effects should taper off by then. I also plan on taking a probiotic and eating fermented foods with Minocycline and cutting out sugar as much as possible to re-introduce good gut bacteria. I am 23 and have never been on any form of hormonal BC as my period was very regular + consistent (this past February was definitely a fluke for me). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Many of these spots are bumps under the skin that don’t really come to a head (cystic) which I haven’t dealt with before. I'm just so worried that if I try Yaz, don't like it, and stop that my skin will get worse.I’ve struggled with hormonal acne on my face/chest/back since puberty and Yaz (loryna) has been the only thing to clear it up. I know it’s just anecdotal evidence, but we’re both good!This is super encouraging, thank you for sharing! Since going off, did you acne become more severe by any chance? “I started taking Yaz specifically for continuous acne. I also used doxycycline for 2 months with no effect. I was a bit wary of this doctor prescribing it without a topical. What was your experience like in terms of mood?I was never on birth control either prior to trying Yasmin at 29 (it’s similar to Yaz, just slightly different amounts of hormones). Something I'm thinking to myself is if it's worth starting the pill for something as trivial as my skin, if it can affect something as serious as my personality, you know? Hopefully, Minocycline will reduce the worst of the post-BC breakouts and natural hormonal methods (spearmint, zinc, evening primrose) and better diet will be able to control it after I stop the antibiotic in 3 months. I also always had generics (the pharmacy would switch periodically, no issues).With my period as I got older - not so much in teens/early 20s, more like since mid-20s - I would get one cystic acne bump a month on my face (chin, forehead, nose, it varied each month - sometimes even one on my chest). Some of them come to surface and take weeks to heal and leave marks. Before Yaz I couldn't even go to work on Day 1 and 2 of my cycle, it was that bad.I'd ever heard compliments about my skin in my LIFE before I was on Yaz/Loryna. I was one of those people and I wish I knew earlier before I kept going on BC that made me crazy. So be aware of what's going on in your mental and physical health. I was on high estrogen BC for a while and my skin has never been so clear, but I had to stop because it made me so depressed :( Thanks for your input; I think i’ll avoid Mino for now and look for an alternative.I was on minocycline for about two years. Just give it time!As for my personal situation, I have PCOS, which causes painful/heavy periods, hormonal cystic acne and some unwanted male-pattern hair growth (dark hairs on neck, chin, lips) from my body's higher androgen activity than other women without PCOS.All that said, Yaz cleared up my cystic acne/male hair growth/painful periods within the first two months to the point that my friends said I had "peaches and cream" skin and I felt really good on my periods. 9 days ago. Answer: Yaz will cause a flare up of acne but only temporarily Yaz , like all BCPs , do cause fluctuations in your hormone levels for 3-4 months when you first start them and also when you first end them. So be aware of what's going on in your mental and physical health. Lately I’ve been dealing with increased breakouts on my cheeks, which I’m suspecting are hormonal. Just to be safe :) best of luck!Hormonal BC is not right for everybody and can cause personality or mood changes, depression and anxiety, lower sex-drive, etc. That's exactly what I'm scared of. I recommend doing through research.Thank you for your reply! (And I've had cystic acne on my face and shoulders/upper back since age 9 when I hit puberty.