After one of them left my dick got up and I fucked the other only for 5-7 min and I went soft again .My question is , is it the Zoloft or “whiskey dick” ? I experienced decreased libido as well as delayed ejaculation for the first few weeks of treatment. If you’re invited to an event that’s likely to involve alcohol, keep taking sertraline as your doctor prescribed and consider skipping the booze and drinking a non-alcoholic beverage instead.Do you currently use, or are considering using, sertraline? Some (small price) side effects include dry mouth (Gum, tictac remedy) medicine makes you sleepy about 2 hrs after ingestion. It can actually raise your libido. ZOLOFT may be administered either continuously (every day throughout the menstrual cycle) or intermittently (only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, i.e., starting the daily dosage 14 days prior to the anticipated onset of menstruation and continuing through the onset of menses). I been reading about it and no on has experienced bad sexual side effects if anything Good .It’s been a week of Zoloft and very little noticeable libido is coming back .Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney. I also do agree with gator - probably more due the alcohol and drugs, since you weren’t on the Zoloft that long. With millions of prescriptions in the US alone, it’s If you like to enjoy the occasional adult beverage and you’ve been prescribed sertraline, you probably have questions about drinking alcohol while you take it. Sertraline Safety Information. Sertraline, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), treats disorders such as depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (), obsessive-compulsive disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.Using sertraline for premature ejaculation is an off-label use for this medication, but it can be effective. I did start taking it and notice that my morning woods were gone. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.Important: This email goes to a third party - never send personal, medical, or health information to this address. avoiding alcohol consumption while using sertraline. Small percentage of people experience them, as opposed to Paxil say, where lots of people experience sides.You might also ask your doc about Welbutrin XL. Stay THE HELL away from Paxil. It’s possible that sertraline taken for other reasons, like PE, might also have this increased risk. Maybe you had reached that point, though. More than likely, this is just going to be a temporary thing that will help you keep your shit together while you are going thru this hell.Start: BPEL 6.5" BaseEG 5.0" MidEG 4.5" | Now: BPEL 7.0" BaseEG 5.75+" -- MidEG 5.0"Thank you sta-kool , I would never get in that shit again , all I do now to fix my mood is work out and start fighting again mma .But how long before these symptoms go away ? I did start taking it and notice that my morning woods were gone.Last Tuesday at a party I got drunk and ended up at the hotel with 2 beautiful girls . It is not intended for customer support.If you are interested in a prescription product, Hims will assist in setting up a visit for you with an independent physician who will evaluate whether or not you are an appropriate candidate for the prescription product and if appropriate, may write you a prescription for the product which you can fill at the pharmacy of your choice.From a glass of wine with your dinner to the occasional beer with friends, colleagues or family members, it’s normal to enjoy alcohol from time to time. I was only on it for 2 weeks and I been of it for one week , I’m just worried cause I have to go see these girls again Thursday.Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney. and people on this medication do mix it with alcohol, it's still best to always follow the user guidelines when taking any medication. Taking it may result in a false positive test for LSD, amphetamine, or methamphetamine. Avoid alcohol while taking sertraline when possible.If you use sertraline to treat depression or anxiety-related conditions, you should take it exactly as  your doctor tells you to, which most likely means you shouldn’t skip a dose. 01-29-2012, 07:05 PM bignik. Our point? Doesn’t work for everybody though.Now a note: A bunch of guys are going to rush in and tell you not to take anti-depressants. Suicidal thoughts or actions: Sertraline and other antidepressant medicines may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some people 24 years of age and younger, …