Given the primary role of pharmacists and physicians in advising patients on the use of concomitant medications, we outline the efficacy, safety, potential interactions, and …

Closely monitor all antidepressant-treated patients for clinical … Would like to start a thread to get the boards latest thoughts on EMSAM vs Parnate. Re: Parnate vs. ENSAM vs. Lamictal » Karen44. Applies to tranylcypromine: oral tablet. I am hoping to get switched to Parnate. I have been on Emsam 9mg for a couple of weeks and I have noticed that my pulse is up.

I value Gillman's opinion on this more than anything, so it's good to know he doesn't think it has much value. Seems to be getting more stable though although I feel like I've dropped 30 IQ points - nardil seemed to act like a mad nootropic for me. I'm on the 6mg patch but I tend to be quite sensitive to medications and I'm usually on the lowest dose of any medication I take.What was your depression like? These are very different. Birthday; Love & Romance Has anyone here had success with Emsam? In turn has more MAO (A) impacts from very low dosage while Emsam only at "therapeutic" doses does the same. What were the differences when combining it with selegiline?I've been on Emsam for nearly 4 years now. Dose it as high as 60 mg; clinicians comfortable with … I also read that Parnate can act as an NRI at proper dosage.Can anyone else comment on their experience on both medications?Depression, anxiety, sleep, focus, stamina, hypotension. I think I really just wanted to try Emsam so that in the future if Parnate or Nardil was discontinued I could use it as a fallback (a doctor may be more likely to prescribe it to me if I've already been on it).

Tianeptine augment made it amazing. But it seems to be the better other two due to it being an amphetamine derivative. Sublingual selegiline really not so much. Posted by Crazy Horse on July 1, 2006, at 10:15:24.

Eh well I'm tapering off right now actually to see if it's really good for me. This subreddit is also for anybody who is interested in MAOIs and would like to learn more about treatment with them, their pharmacodynamics, and other properties. I could deal with most of them but weight gain, constipation and ED made it infeasible for the long term.I've also given Parnate a limited trial but stopped because of persistent bad headaches every day and inability to sleep on only 20mg, so I stopped before reaching a therapeutic effect since at the time I had just come off of Nardil and was sick of side effects. Last time I was on EMSAM was 2010 and I remember it being especially activating and a bit speedy, though I was in a different state of mind and on other meds too. In 2006, a MAOI patch called Emsam TD (selegiline transdermal) was … Anyone here been on either Parnate or Nardil as well as Emsam that could compare their effectiveness for depression, focus and or anxiety?I haven't done very well on Moclobemide so will probably be going back to Parnate, just wondering if Emsam is worth a try.Part of me just wants me to try it for a while even though it's probably not as effective, even if its just to have Emsam in my medical history in case Parnate goes the way of Nardil at some point (so whichever doctor I have at the time is more comfortable with prescribing it to me as a last resort, since I recognize it's probably far more effective than any SSRI etc).Selegiline (trans-D patch), difficult to put in a cost-conscious algorithm. The main side effect now is the fatigue that everyone of them gave me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts