However, this medicine can lessen the symptoms of an infection.Before taking valacyclovir, tell your doctor if you have HIV/AIDS, a weak immune system, kidney disease (or if you are on dialysis), or if you have had a kidney or bone marrow transplant.Valacyclovir can be harmful to the kidneys, and these effects are increased when it is used together with other medicines that can harm the kidneys. *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Ships Worldwide from Canada *Includes $13.75 Shipping. *Includes $9.95 Shipping. . *Includes $9.95 Shipping. These include cold sores, genital herpes, chickenpox, and shingles. Ships Worldwide Except Canada from Australia, Canada, Mauritius, NZ, UK *Includes $11.50 Shipping. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, NZ, UK *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, NZ, UK Valacyclovir is used to treat infections caused by herpes viruses, including genital herpes, cold sores, and shingles (herpes zoster) in adults.. Valacyclovir is used to treat cold sores in children who are at least 12 years old, or chickenpox in children who are … Free Shipping. Ships to U.S. Only from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, Turkey, UK, US Ships Worldwide Except Canada from Australia, Canada, NZ, UK Ships to U.S. Only from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, UK *Includes $9.95 Shipping. (Free for first order) Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, Mauritius, NZ, UK *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Free Shipping. *Includes $11.50 Shipping. Wearing loose clothing may help to prevent irritation of the lesions.Store valacyclovir tablets at room temperature away from moisture and heat.Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. *Includes $17.50 Shipping. Ships Worldwide Except Canada from Australia, Canada, NZ, UK Medications dispensed from outside the U.S. are regulated for safety and efficacy by pharmaceutical/pharmacy regulatory authorities in other countries. Ships to U.S. Only from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, Turkey, UK, US *Includes $9.95 Shipping. There is possibility your acne breakouts could … *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, Turkey, UK You may need dose adjustments or special tests when taking certain medications together with valacyclovir.Treatment with valacyclovir should be started as soon as possible after the first appearance of symptoms (such as tingling, burning, blisters).Valacyclovir will not prevent the spread of genital herpes.