Department of Pharmacy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT;5 and AstraZeneca LP, Chesterbrook, PA6From the Departments of Preventive Medicine and Internal Medicine, Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, IL;1 The search combined terms related to candesartan and losartan (including MeSH search using exp ‘benzimidazoles’, exp ‘tetrazoles’ and exp ‘benzoates’, and keyword search using words ‘candesartan’, ‘Blopress’, ‘Amias’, ‘Kenzen’, ‘Atacand’, ‘Ratacand’, ‘losartan’, ‘Cozaar’, ‘Hyzaar’).We also searched the reference lists of original reports and meta-analyses of studies involving ARBs (retrieved through the electronic searches) to identify studies that were not yet included in the computerized databases.For a trial to be eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis, it was required to meet a number of selection criteria, including (i) randomized clinical trials, including quasi-randomized clinical trials; (ii) patients with hypertension, with or without the simultaneous presence of other diseases such as metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease; (iii) intervention—candesartan versus losartan—used as monotherapy or in fixed combination with hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ); and (iv) BP reported at baseline and at end point or intermediate end point.

Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS;4 Results of the CARLOS-Study. It has been suggested that all ARBs lower BP to a similar extent when administered at the usual recommended doses for the treatment of hypertension, and in addition that, at these recommended doses, the dose response for BP reduction with all ARBs is relatively flat.The ARBs have potentially important differences in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics. Current use of an antihypertensive agent was cause for exclusion, unless it could be discontinued safely by the first week of the placebo run‐in period. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH;3 All events were considered by the investigators unlikely to be related to study medication. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH;3 Nonetheless, this direct comparative analysis is more robust than the earlier indirect meta-analytical approaches that relied on the composite of individual placebo-controlled trials that had been submitted to the FDA for regulatory evaluation.Given the consistency of the findings for both SBP and DBP and with different doses of the two drugs, there is compelling evidence to indicate that candesartan provides superior BP reductions when compared with losartan and is likely to be superior in CV protection.Collins R, Peto R, MacMahon S, Hebert P, Fiebach NH, Eberlein KA Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration. Age-specific relevance of usual blood pressure to vascular mortality: a meta-analysis of individual data for one million adults in 61 prospective studies. In addition, peak BP (6±2.5 hours after dose) was measured at week 3 or 4 of the placebo run‐in period, and also at week 8 of the double‐blind period.Compliance with the protocol‐defined treatment regimen was assessed by tablet and capsule counts derived from the drug accountability case report form. Three previous studies have demonstrated greater antihypertensive efficacy of candesartan cilexetil when compared to losartan. The percentage of male patients, ranged from 45 to 78. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board at each site, and all patients provided written informed consent.For each patient, visits were scheduled at the same time in the morning. You can also search for this author in Data from this study, taken together with three other randomized, double‐blind studies comparing candesartan and losartan, demonstrate superior antihypertensive efficacy of candesartan over losartan. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA;2 Wald DS, Law M, Morris JK, Bestwick JP, Wald NJ .

Effect of losartan versus candesartan on uric acid, renal function, and fibrinogen in patients with hypertension and hyperuricemia associated with diuretics.