Highest implantation potential has 8-cell embryos with less or equal to 10% fragmentation on third day following oocyte retrieval. 2005 Jun 1;120(2):179-84. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2004.08.016.Reprod Biol Endocrinol. Endometrial thickness of at least 7 mm seems to be the optimal edge of successful pr … Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! 2012 Nov 14;11:CD008528.

Reprod Biol Endocrinol 7:33Okohue JE, Onuh SO, Ebeigbe P, Shaibu I, Wada I, Ikimalo JI, Okpere EE (2009) The effect of endometrial thickness on in vitro fertilization (IVF)-embryo transfer/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcome. Those patients that could benefit from NC-IVF include those with a poor ovarian response, with a history of previous ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and subfertile couples [Endometrial receptivity and embryo quality are important factors of successful outcomes in stimulated IVF cycles [Endometrial receptivity is a result of effects provided by ovarian steroid hormones, and is synchronized with fertilization and embryo development [Findings are, however, inconclusive due to different induction protocols in use, limited sample sizes and various inclusion criteria [In contrast to a stimulated IVF cycle, in NC-IVF the treatment target is one follicle that spontaneously develops to dominance, which results in most of the cases with availability of single embryo for transfer.

Nevertheless, some limitations have to be discussed, such as retrospective design and therefore chance of biases as well as results limited to women below 38 years of age and natural cycle IVF.Embryo quality and endometrial thickness have significant impact on implantation in NC-IVF. Free PMC article Unable to load your collection due to an error Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. It can lead … and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account.Enter your email address below and we will send you your usernameIf the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Epub 2013 Nov 15.Dechanet C, Anahory T, Mathieu Daude JC, Quantin X, Reyftmann L, Hamamah S, Hedon B, Dechaud H.Hum Reprod Update.

It is a frustrating problem for both patient and physician. Pelinck et al. There is some evidence that the thickness of the endometrium may be associated with poorer outcomes following IVF. If this preparation is not sufficient, then implantation will fail. Silverchair Information Systems Correct transfer depth and endometrial thickness can increase the rates of clinical pregnancy, implantation, and live delivery. 2006 Mar;28(3):220-233. doi: 10.1016/S1701-2163(16)32112-0.Hum Reprod. It seems reasonable to believe that to some extent higher endometrial thickness could compensate the poorer embryo quality and vice-versa, but with embryo quality below optimum (≤ 20% fragmentation, 6–8 cells on day 3) and endometrial thickness below 7 mm the chance of successful pregnancy is poor.Our study is, to our best knowledge, the first large homogenous cohort of NC-IVF investigating and connecting embryo quality and endometrial thickness. There are three phases that affect the thickness of the endometrial lining. While we do not have a comprehensive understanding of endometrial receptivity, at the extremes of endometrial thinness (i.e. 2020 Jan;13(4):289-295. doi: 10.22074/ijfs.2020.5681. In general, 7-10 mm are considered good for embryo implantation. Hum Reprod Update 20:530–541Richter KS, Bugge KR, Bromer JG, Levy MJ (2007) Relationship between endometrial thickness and embryo implantation, based on 1294 cycles of in vitro fertilization with transfer of two-blastocyst-stage embryos. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York Conversely, an endometrial thickness below 6 mm indicates a bad prognosis, and is associated with implantation failure. Endometrial preparation or priming plays a main role in IVF treatments, especially with donor eggs or in Frozen Embryo Transfers (FETs), where donated or own embryos are used. According to the embryo quality, the highest implantation rate was found with 8-cell embryos on day 3, having ≤ 10% fragmentation, symmetrical blastomeres, and an absence of multinucleated blastomeres, i.e. VT: project development, data collection, manuscript writing, data analysis. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of the endometrial thickness and embryo quality on the implantation potential in natural cycle IVF (NC-IVF).A retrospective single-center study was performed on 552 single embryo transfers after NC-IVF. Overall twenty seven (26.73%) patients conceived and in these women the endometrial thickness was between 6 and 12 mm [Table 2]. PLoS ONE 30(10):e0145703Traub ML, Van Arsdale A, Pal L, Jindal L, Santoro N (2009) Endometrial thickness, caucasian ethnicity, and age predict clinical pregnancy following fresh blastocyst embryo transfer: a retrospective cohort.