contraindicated for pregnancy, psychiatric disordersvery effective anticonvulsant, emergency drug of choice?first line agents for TB. most common: dizziness, myalgia, weaknessdihydroergotamine, ergotamine. coats stomach - decreases absorption of other meds. Treates seizures, migraines, bulemia.Depacon - anticonvulsant. avoid spicy food, caffeine, smoking, EtOH. treats diabetes insipidus. amitriptyline, nortriptyline. use: exercise (stress) testing, adjunct thromboembolism prevention, angina prophylaxispositive inotrope. prevention & treatment of osteoporosis. contraindicated for pregnancy. avoid taking with feverfew, garlic, ginger, echinacea, ginger, St. John's wort, and ginkgo biloba (due to increased bleeding times)loop diuretic, take early in day, watch for ortho hypotension, take with meals, encourage meals high in KDiamox - diuretic. wear medic-alert bracelet. antihypertensive. causes electrolyte imbalances, renal failure. IM/IV onset w/i 10 minutesantacids (calcium carbonate, magaldrate). most common side effects: psychosis, aggressive behavior, depression, suicidalitystimulates cellular immunity of helper t cell to inhibit tumor growth avoid foods with tyraminedorzolamide (w or w/o timolol), travoprost, levobunolol, timolol, brimonidine tartrate. manages anxiety, may be habit forming, do not abruptly discontinue.relieves pain, burning of UTI. Hydrochlorothiazide is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). pregnant women should avoid contact with drug/semen.GU anticholinergic. contraindicated for pediatrics. does not work for prevention. may increase suicidal thoughts.potent venodilator (veins - NOT arteries) - decreases preload.Pradaxa - antiocoagulant - prevention of stroke in Afib - s/e bleedingXarelto - anticoagulant - prevention of stroke in Afib. -dipines and verapamil, diltiazem.

s/e: anticholinergic symptoms (can't pee, can't see, etc); EPS; postural hypotension/ tachycardia; anti psych drug with high risk for agranulocytosis - not used often bc of this. take BID 2-3 weeks; take with mealscholinergic that treats urinary retention. contraindicated with liver disease. Choose from 500 different sets of term:drugs diuretics = nsaids flashcards on Quizlet. not habit formingTCA - depression/anxiety. side effect: angioedema, hypotension, hyperkalemia.maintains adequate blood pressure during shock. adverse effects: respiratory depression, CV arrest, cardiovascular collapse. potent venodilator (veins - NOT arteries) - decreases preload.

contraindicated if penicillin sensitivitycarvidilol, lobatalol. premedicate with antiemetic. patches like Emla cream must be applied for 1 hour before procedure to take effectACE inhibitor. take on an empty stomach. withdrawal graduallyskeletal muscle relaxants. decreases acid production. It works by causing the … Treats: seizures, mania, migraines. omeprazole, rabeprazole, lansoprazole.

side effect: constipationantilipidemic. treats glaucoma. should be taken with first bite of meal.lowers high cholesterol levels. advise patient - NPO 6-8 hrs before procedure and arrange a driver to get home.blocks cholinesterase to increase ACh. administer within 48 hours of symptoms; contraindicated if pulmonary conditions (route is inhaled)important to tell next shift urine output; do not administer with lithiumtreatment of magnesium overdose or hypocalcemia. treats UTI - often RXed with urinary antiinfective. monitor for orthostatic hypotension, EPS. prevents breakdown of Ach. urine may turn rust yellow/brownalendronate. contraindications: gallbladder disease, liver or renal insufficiencythiazide - treatment of edema in hypertension and CHFthiazide - treatment of edema in hypertension and CHF, edema of renal disesespotent topical steroid used to treat severe dermatoses not responding to less potent medstopical steroid used to treat severe dermatoses not responding to less potent meds (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc)subQ antidiabetic for DMII (NOT INSULIN) - in a pen form -taken 60 min before meals. notify MD if tarry stools - GI bleed.