That’s why your doctor has to screen you for it, usually between your 24Some pregnant women do notice subtle signs of gestational diabetes. This leads to gestational diabetes. Symptoms are usually non-specific and similar to that of diabetes mellitus. The body’s cells need glucose to function properly.Glucose is converted into energy in the cells with the help of the hormone insulin.

Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that affects women during pregnancy.

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Delivery of the baby may be more complicated as a result.

©2018 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. Oral diabetes medicines may be used as an alternative, but they do cross the placenta to the fetus and their effects on a fetus are unknown.It is unknown what causes some women to develop gestational diabetes, however, managing risk factors may help prevent it from occurring.
Women with gestational diabetes don’t usually have symptoms or may chalk them up to pregnancy.

The doctor may be able to determine whether she has developed gestational diabetes or any other condition.A doctor may diagnose gestational diabetes during a routine health check. Diabetes symptoms vary depending on how much your blood sugar is elevated.

It may also be called glucose intolerance or carbohydrate intolerance.Approximately 2-5% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes; this number may increase to 7-9% of mothers who are more likely to have risk factors. Your medical history and whether you have any risk factors may suggest to your doctor that you could have gestational diabetes, but you’ll need to be tested to know for sure. Anyone with higher-than-normal results will require the follow-up test to determine whether they have gestational diabetes.If two of the three readings come back high, the doctor will usually diagnose gestational diabetes.Several risk factors increase a woman’s likelihood of developing gestational diabetes, A doctor will focus treatment on controlling blood sugar levels. The most common treatment for gestational diabetes is following a healthy, diabetes-friendly diet plan. Gestational Diabetes Symptoms. Most women with gestational diabetes are advised to check blood sugar levels four times daily: before eating in the morning, and 1-2 hours following breakfast, lunch, and dinner.Often, gestational diabetes can be treated with dietary changes and Your doctor will discuss dietary changes and may suggest a meal plan to help maintain regular blood sugar levels. Talk to your doctor if you experience symptoms of Type II diabetes.Compiled using information from the following sources:1. Gestational Diabetes – What Is It, Symptoms, Risks, Prevention Posted May 29, 2020 by Clint Kelly - See Editorial Guidelines. They will also take readings during office visits.Regular blood sugar tests can help ensure that efforts to control blood sugar levels are successful.The doctor will also monitor the developing baby’s health using Doctors often advise making dietary changes and doing regular exercise to help manage blood sugar levels.Exercise can help the body regulate insulin sensitivity, while a balanced diet can help prevent spikes and dips in blood sugar levels.The types of food that are usually part of a gestational diabetes diet plan include:If a woman finds that exercise and dietary changes are insufficient to manage gestational diabetes successfully, a doctor may prescribe medications such as insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels.Gestational diabetes is not always preventable. It shows up in women who’ve never had diabetes before. Gestational Diabetes.
It may also be called glucose intolerance or carbohydrate intolerance. All rights reserved. Expectant women can help control gestational diabetes by eating healthy foods, exercising and, if necessary, taking medication. Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes . Here are some possible signs of gestational diabetes that should be brought to your doctor’s attention:

Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company.

Some of the signs and symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are: Increased thirst

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Also, keep in mind that women who have gestational diabetes have an increased risk of developing overt (Type II) diabetes later in life. With gestational diabetes, maintaining a balanced diet is integral to your success.

Gestational diabetes typically doesn’t have any symptoms. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and speaking to a dietitian can help.In addition, they should ask a doctor to check their blood sugar levels periodically to ensure that they are not at risk of type 2 diabetes. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. ; Risk factors for gestational diabetes include.

After an hour, a doctor will test the individual’s blood sugar levels.