Side Effects … Cyproheptadine is an antihistamine that is commonly used in pets. The most common side effect is drowsiness, which, depending on the normal activity level of your cat, you might not even notice. Because the dosing of cyproheptadine is different if you're intending to increase your pet's appetite than it would be if you were attempting to treat an allergic reaction, it's important that you follow your vet's instructions carefully to be sure that you provide your pet with the accurate amount of medicine.Typically, cyproheptadine is provided in doses between 1 and 4 milligrams per day for a cat. Those were the days. It takes several days of dosing -- anywhere from two to seven -- for the appetite-stimulating effects to kick in. It is not unheard of for cats to lose their appetite shortly after getting their routine vaccinations. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from New York University and an Associate of Arts from the American Academy of Dramatics Arts, New York City. Like other antihistamines, cyproheptadine works to block the histamine chemicals that are created in your pet's body when he is exposed to an allergy. Long-term carcinogenic studies have not been done with Cyproheptadine. Most veterinarians treat for at least seven to ten days. However, cyproheptadine tends to not be as effective at this goal as many other types of antihistamine medications are when used in cats. The dosage depends upon your cat's size, weight, and other medical issues.Cyproheptadine is found to be very safe for use in cats. Your vet can prescribe cyproheptadine for appetite stimulation.Marketed under the brand name Periactin, cyproheptadine is an antihistamine. Like other antihistamines, cyproheptadine works to block the histamine chemicals that are created in your pet's body when he is exposed to an allergy. Cyproheptadine works by blocking H-1 receptors, which occur on the small blood vessels and smooth muscles. As with any medication, there is a possibility of side effects. Cyproheptadine is an unusual drug in veterinary medicine in that it is primarily prescribed for one of its side effects, not for its targeted purpose. If you suspect that you've provided your cat with an overdose, consult with your veterinarian for more information about the dosage and how to treat your pet properly. Do not give your pet two doses at once.USE CAUTION WHEN ADMINISTERING THIS DRUG TO PETS WITH HEART FAILURE OR BLADDER DISORDERSUSE CAUTION WHEN ADMINISTERING THIS DRUG TO PREGNANT PETS While it does this, cyproheptadine also works to block serotonin from attaching to receptors as well. It is used in the treatment of many symptoms including allergies, loss of appetite, and increased serotonin production associated with Cushing’s disease. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose, and continue with the regular schedule. Rat Poison's Effect on Dogs and Cats. In most cases, people find that the tablet is easier to deliver to a cat, though the exact method of dosage will be dependent upon your pet and his individual personality. That tells you how much amoxicillin for cats, but Clavamox is even easier to dispense. Toxic and Non-toxic Plants. Amoxicillin is available in tablets (100mg-400mg), capsules (250mg-500mg) and oral liquid (50ml). Body Language of Cats . In the meantime, ask your vet about temporary methods to get food into your cat, such as forced feedings. Most cats take a 62.5 milligram dosage twice daily for a set amount of days. Getting your Cat into a Carrier. Your cat's body requires nourishment to fight his illness.Because it's relatively safe and well-tolerated, veterinarians might prescribe cyproheptadine for other feline ailments and behavioral problems. It is well-absorbed orally and has a wide margin of safety. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Cyproheptadine had no effect on fertility in a two-litter study in rats or a two generation study in mice at about 10 times the human dose. The amoxicillin kills bacteria staphylococcus and streptococcus inhibiting cell wall synthesis. This is especially useful in cats undergoing chemotherapy, as they tend to lose their appetite. Zinc Poisoning in Dogs and Cats. Don't give it to pregnant or nursing cats.Cyproheptadine is not a miracle drug. It is important that you take your cat to a vet to make sure nothing is serious. Best Practices for Amoxicillin Usage for Cats Because it's an antihistamine, it can cause dry mouth, increased heart rate and urine retention. This is especially useful in cats undergoing chemotherapy, as they tend to lose their appetite. Vaccinations – Loss of appetite is a common side effect of vaccinations. Cyproheptadine is an unusual drug in veterinary medicine in that it is primarily prescribed for one of its side effects, not for its targeted purpose. Toxic Disinfectants: What to Use and What Not to Use Around Your Pets. It's important therefore to tell your vet about any other medical issues that may be going on before you give your cat cyproheptadine.The most common side effect of cyproheptadine is sedation. An important note; Saoirse also received anti-nausea medication while she was taking cyproheptadine (generic ondansetron). This medicine is an example of an antihistamine, or a drug that helps to reduce allergic reactions. Cyproheptadine can help him, and you, get through this difficult period.Most cats have no problem taking cyproheptadine. It is also used for all types of skin diseases, such as pyoderma and acute moist dermatitis, in addition to bacterial ear infections.