Feel free to edit your flair to indicate your prolactin levels, gender, etc. If you suffer from hair loss, you can opt for foods that are rich in protein and zinc and the daily requirements of the minerals will be met. Information provided on BaldingBlog.com should not be used for the purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment.Tags: masturbation, masturbate, sex, intercourse, prolactin, hairloss, hair lossGet a virtual consultation with Dr. William Rassman and Dr. Jae Pak for hair loss options. Using zinc to lower prolactin. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Up until 2 months ago I assumed I had PCOS only to realise the elevated Prolactin was causing missed periods and hair fall. Had to quit minoxidil after being on it for 9months due to coarsening facial and body hair. Now I’ve also heard “excessive” masturbation/sex will deplete Acetylcholine levels. In reviewing the literature, there have been reports of hair loss after administration of various dopaminergic drugs that include levodopa and all types of dopamine receptor agonists. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. It really is simple logic, orgasm = prolactin, prolactin = 5 alpha reductase, 5 alpha reductace = testosterone-dht conversion, dht = hair loss… This is accepted by many Chinese and Japanese doctors and I’m not talking about Taoists, I’m talking about people who have graduated from medical school. Because elevated prolactin can disrupt the reproductive system (hypogonadism), some of the signs and symptoms of prolactinoma are specific to females or males.Women tend to notice signs and symptoms earlier than men do, when tumors are smaller in size, probably because of missed or irregular menstrual periods. Feel free to edit your flair to indicate your prolactin levels, gender, etc. When Derin and [...]Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. All genders are welcome, even though symptoms and diagnoses vary widely depending on individual biology and hormones. Prolactin . This can causes high prolactin levels, as well as hair loss. Prolactinoma is the most common type of hormone-producing tumor that can develop in your pituitary gland.Doctors can often treat prolactinoma with medications to restore your prolactin level to normal. Abstaining from masturbation or Nofap will not make much of a difference. Elevated androgens is the hallmark of PCOS in women. Note: We do not tolerate offensive language or personal attacks to other readers. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Prolactin can also make your hair thicker (it so I was told) and it thinning out was due to my levels normalizing.I haven't experienced that, but I wanted to welcome you to our sub. There is simply no connection between hair loss and masturbation, as many of these hormonal changes are very short term.Thank god is really all I have to say. Most of what I've found online about hair loss (other users have asked the same thing too) is that it is a potential side effect, although I haven't been able to find statistics on how common it is. Any connection between masturbation and prolactin levels can not possibly have an impact on hair loss (if that is where you are taking this question). Pregnancy complications. During a normal pregnancy, the production of estrogen increases. Over 21 million women and 35 million men in America suffer from hair loss. I'm a 21 year old female and my prolactinoma was discovered about 8 months ago after I didn't have my period for 6 months. Saw Palmetto is an herb that prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT, a potent form that causes hair loss on our head and growth on our chin and chest. Reddit; Wechat; To the Editor: Cabergoline is a new long‐acting dopamine receptor agonist that is usedfor the treatment of hyperprolactinemic disorders. Saw Palmetto is an herb that prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT, a potent form that causes hair loss on our head and growth on our chin and chest.