Here are some ways that you can maximize your finasteride results.You probably think that the notion of scalp massages being able to improve finasteride’s results is about as far-fetched as they come, but there’s actually science to back it up.

My last update because I’m hopping off fin and switching to RU in a few weeks (nothing to do with fin efficacy, just experimenting).

Several studies have shown that a deficiency in iron is consistent with people suffering from male pattern baldness. I took pictures from different angles and was even more concerned when I noticed a thinning spot on my crown.After reading a bunch of stuff online, I got a referral to a dermatologist.

Try not to look at your hair daily/weekly and draw sweeping conclusions about the efficacy of your approach. I have not had any noticeable side effects. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts

Trust the science behind these treatments. Realize that you're doing all that you can to help your situation. Side effects are rare, but they can occur. I’ve struggled with acne my whole life, even going on accutane at one point (I got a horrible flare-up and did not complete it.

After a year of use, researchers noted that where the ointment was applied, while 35.1 percent of the men didn’t experience further hair loss. I had always been told that my hair was really, really thick. Your hair will probably look worse to you on that day. It’s everywhere: coming out by the dozens in the shower, all over the bathroom floor, on my desk and in my clothes.

RegrowthYou're correct in not stopping treatments. Finasteride and other hair loss treatments, like minoxidil, work gradually and require long-term use for best results. Progression of alopecia after peak improvement was seen in 10.3% of cases of the V type, 16.2% of the F type and 0% of the basic type. But now all side effects seems gone and I enjoy masturbating more just 2-3 times a day. , it’s not uncommon to experience hair loss around the scalp and eyebrow.

No side effects (except for better skin). He said he’d have no problem giving me a prescription for finasteride if I wanted it. Side effects from finasteride now : nearly sex drive is still high. Up until a couple decades ago, hair loss was something that guys had to accept and take in stride. , 984 men with various stages of male pattern baldness were required to apply five percent minoxidil to their balding spots twice a day. I’ve researched transplants and thought about a possible timeline for one as well. I alternate between thinking that the medication is: A. working and that all the hair will grow back in 3-4 months B. I have no plans to stop, it just is hard when you’re losing hair EVERYWHERE. I was on Fin and Minox for over 12 months before I began to see anything noticeable, and even then it was subtle.You will also have days where you are convinced that your hair has gotten worse.

That doesn't necessarily mean that it has.

I was concerned that this would only be a stopgap and wouldn’t do anything to actually stop the loss. It takes time and requires consistent usage for best results. Hey there, I'm 28 years old and I've just completed my forth month on FIN (1mg daily). When I was 27 I noticed my hair was falling on my face differently than it used to. The V type showed a more rapid and steady improvement compared with the other types.

In fact, when it comes to regrowing hair, studies showed that many men with vertex baldness did not see major results until they’d The good news is that taking finasteride over a five-year period can actually improve your hair growth, potentially leaving you with  than you’d have if you were on no treatment at all.But is it possible to speed up the effects of finasteride in order to enjoy its benefits sooner? I know the literature says to stay on for at least a year and that improvement should come for most people.

Feel free to discuss hair loss remedies, technologies, transplants, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your newly shaved head or hairstyle looks.Press J to jump to the feed.