The study showed that the mice treated with Lavender Oil grew much more hair than their regular counterparts. This generates a greater amount of oil compared to other methods due to reduction of polar compound loss.Lavender oil is produced around the world, with Bulgaria leading the global industry.In rare cases, lavender oil in soaps, shampoos, and other skin applied medications may cause The exact composition of lavender essential oil varies from species to species but consists primarily of The composition of lavender essential oil as obtained by They may have some scalp benefits but fewer hair-growth benefits, though they may also prevent hair from breaking. It reduced inflammation and sped up the healing process. This is the main reason why Bulgaria has become the World Leader in quality Lavender Oil production in the recent years. Lavender oil can benefit the skin in numerous ways. Lavender oil is an essential oil derived from the lavender plant. Lavender Oil, when used correctly, can prevent and even reverse many common hair problems such as One of the main reasons for weakening the hair is micro bacterial growth on the surface of the scalp.This problem is sometimes visible in dry patches on the scalp or small scalp pimples or skin discoloration.A 2011 study found that Lavender essential oil could be used to prevent head lice. Note that if you mix it directly into the bottle, the oil and the product may separate, so it is recommended to alternatively add two to three drops directly to a dollop of hair product in your palm before applying.Use it as often as you would use your hair products. Lavender oil can speed up hair growth. Lavender essential oil—renowned for its soothing and calming aroma—makes the Lavender Calming Bath Bomb perfect for unwinding after a long day, while the Stress Relaxing Bath Bomb is a special treat thanks to the inviting, vanilla-lime scent of Stress Away oil. Many people are. When you compare 100% pure Lavender Essential Oils, it is useful to know that the best Lavender Essential Oil comes from the small country of Bulgaria. dōTERRA Lavender Essential Oil is a must-have for its calming & relaxing properties. To avoid this, always use with a carrier oil when using plain oils.If, despite using carrier oils, you get a rash, hives, or dermatitis, stop use immediately. You can leave it in overnight with your hair wrapped in a towel if you want maximum benefits. Too much essential oil can irritate the skin. Also since Bulgaria is part of the European Union, it follows all the EU certification process and regulations in the production of organic and conventional Lavender Oils, so as you buy Lavender Oil, it is always useful to know from the seller, where your Lavender Oil is produced. This results in hair loss in patches.A Scottish study reported positive effect in hair regrowth after a few Months of regular dry scalp massage of Lavender Essential Oil. Massage diluted lavender oil onto your scalp as frequently as you wash your hair.You can dilute lavender essential oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil in equal parts.Do not use higher concentration of Lavender Oil than Lavender and Carrier Oils mixed in equal parts.This is best to do following a bath or shower. It can be taken orally, applied to the skin, and breathed in through aromatherapy. The strong antiseptic qualities of Lavender Oil are effective for clearing the eggs of head lice, so it can be used as natural, homeopathic prevention. If you experience nausea, vomiting, or a headache after using lavender, discontinue use immediately. You’ll also experience lavender’s calming and lovely scent as well as scalp-healing effects.Oil massaging is safe anywhere from once per week to once per day. Because consuming lavender essential oil can have toxic effects, this remedy should not be ingested unless under the supervision of a medical professional. Two forms are distinguished, lavender flower oil, a colorless oil, insoluble in water, having a density of 0.885 g/mL; and lavender spike oil, a distillate from the herb Lavandula latifolia, having density 0.905 g/mL. Follow directions on hair serum product for how often you should use it, daily or weekly. However, as every natural product, high concentrations can cause allergic reaction, so always use it sparingly or dilute in carrier oils. There are over 400 types of lavender species worldwide with different scents and qualities. It may be a sign that you’re allergic to lavender. So Lavender Oil CANNOT be used as an alternative to a prescribed treatment plan! In addition to that Lavender Oil is widely used to treat insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression, which are additional causes of hair loss, because these conditions suppress good blood circulation throughout the body. Essential oils are the liquid extracts of plants, which can be used to help with everything from stress to sleep, hormone health to home cleaning, and beyond. But each essential oil is unique and offers its own specific benefits. One safe option is to buy Lavender Essential Oil direct from the producer in Bulgaria. (There are plenty of suggestions below in this article on how to use safely).