Glad I saw this video today! Thank you for the quick reply! I feel nothing or very slight euphoria bot not much else.

Best alternative Effexor XR or Venlafaxine ER depending on your doc’s recommendation.

I will forward it on.Was she on Prozac or Paxil? He noticed within 2 minutes, I could start 5 different conversations.

Have any of you heard of Flavay? This video explains and references documented there for your doc. Now I have some direction.

So if I take that very hard step (switching anti-depressants), that could end up making me unstable for months and months until the the withdrawals from the Paxil are gone and the new anti-depressant kicks in, I want to be make sure that it is for a solid reason. Do not take Vyvanse if you or your child are: taking or have taken an anti-depression medicine called a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) within the past 14 days. He has actually said to me in his 30yrs of practice, not many people on 60mgs of Adderall everyday have a Bp of 110/63 and pulse at 62 beats a minute (In the morning my pulse is 48 beats a min.)

I do not have insurance so when my income tax check comes in, I’m going to find a psychiatrist to prescribe the Vyvanse, and if I could go to him/her with information from a credible source, I’d be taken more seriously. I know lots of people are on the combo of Paxil and amphetamines, but I believe that many had reported issues with this too. Also I have been taking klonopin since march.

Providing your email usually results in quicker answers (optional) My only complaint was that I was on 70mgs and by 2pm, I’d crash very hard. The main benefit from vyvanse is the increase in motivation which oddly enough I would get from lower doses like 30mg where if I took 70mg it would actually do the opposite and cause me to be extremely unmotivated and just kind of zombie likeThank you for the replies!

To maintain coverage,I need to dose with 25mg (after the initial 50mg) every TWO HOURS! Dr. Parker, unfortunately, the only data I can find on Vyvanse dosages conflicting with methadone at all, is on the “drug-harm-reduction” websites like blue light. I’m currently taking escitalopram (10mg at night) as well. For the first 5 years, I was prescribed Suboxone and after that, methadone, which I’m currently prescribed 120mgs daily.

I have left 2 messages with Desiree and I emailed Tiffany hoping to hear back soon!

Often the combo of meds and CBT work best for many adults dealing with ADHD and other conditions like anxiety and depression.

I was initially diagnosed with GAD and then ADD. The regimen I was given is to take both meds together each day for a week and then half a Brintellix with the Lexapro for three days and the dc the Brintellix altogether. I’ve yet to find anyone to take that data seriously, as I hardly do. Instead of feeling a little light headed in the morning 2 hours after taking the Methadone, I started getting extremely high feeling. If so, how do you explain all the people that have used this combination for years and years and have not had the problems you refer to? I am seeing the therapist individually each week in hopes to break a few of the things I didn't quite achieve while in group.

What is Paxil?

I am also on buisphrone 15mg a day but do not really feel any affects of that medication.

I’ve tried to get off it many times even though I don’t have any side effects from it that I’m aware of. Or will the combo of Prozac and Adderall catch up with me eventually and start to down slide and god knows what else? That can feel empowering rather than just relying on a pill to do all the work. Parker, I’ve been referred by Sandman2 on to seek your advice, as you may be the only one who understands both of the meds I take daily and very possibly, my last resort at finding reliable data. He stopped that after a month and now he added Wellbutrin SR 150 mg along with my 10mg of Vyvanse. Her Dr. has never tested for any of these issues but I have listened to all your videos and I suspect they are the root cause of her anxiety and feeling exhausted.My daughter(age 11) was just diagnosed with depression after taking vyvanse and intuniv together for several years. At first, I’d take my methadone as I’d usually take it at 5am, walk my daughter to the bus stop at 7am and pick my Vyvanse pill up from my trusted support person. So I visited my ADHD specialist today here in Vancouver, B.C. My mission is to increase medical awareness on these important matters and help my colleagues become first become aware of basic biomedical issues like drug interactions, then move, as I have, to measurements and precise intervention strategies. I gonna be lowering my Vyvance from 60mg to 50mg bc for the last month its just been KILLING my appetite so I think I will still be good with 50mg

So he added Zoloft 25mg with it and it made me sleep even longer where I was sleeping like 14 hours a day and felt tired through out the day.

Wow! Psychology Today © 2020 Sussex Publishers, LLC

What would be the best way to approach her with these issues as not to tell her point blank that I think her diagnosis is wrong but…? I think for someone like me it would be CA strophic at this point in my life.

Just wanted to say thank you for helping Wooky! He obliged and I was on my way.