This enzyme turns the active ingredients in tamoxifen into a more usable form in the body. Tamoxifen is a medication that has been used to treat breast cancer for more than 30 years. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), mirtazapine (Remeron) I've never had problems w weight gain or my metabolism "slowing down" on this medication or on Prozac but on Cymbalta, Paxil and a few others I did gain weight. If you can handle the wieght gain and constipation, I think Cymbalta is the medication to at least try, it does work-or it at least worked with my depression. I'd rather suffer with the anxiety/withdrawal symptoms than ever take this medication again. I'm just BLOWN AWAY you have even said that at all. Though linked to weight gain, most studies do not support the link.Tamoxifen is a type of hormone therapy known as a selective Tamoxifen works by attaching to the estrogen receptors in breast cells so that estrogen cannot bind to them. Emotional stress can play a huge role in contributing to weight gain.Your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) slows as you age. These medications may compete with tamoxifen for effectiveness in the body.If a woman is taking any of these medications, she should talk to her doctor. Much has been learned about gestational diabetes and its possible effects on newborns and their mothers. That makes ur blood pressure Go way up, so do ur selves a favor and walk around the block a few times. You guessed it…you probably won’t take action.These thoughts trigger feelings of hope and determination, right?And when you are determined, like I know you are and like Kathy is, you will take action. So naturally, losing weight becomes much more difficult than it once was. I don't think this is a healthy medication at all. "The role of most antidepressants is still largely unknown, but some research suggests that antidepressants can affect metabolism. Most people take tamoxifen for 5 or 10 years. Just bc Paxil and Effexor are SSRI's does not mean they are in the same SSRI family. Luckily, there are ways, like exercise, that can help you battle a slowing metabolism.However, less activity means fewer calories burned, which can easily translate into increased weight.If we consider the magnitude of the situation, combining:It is entirely understandable why one would gain weight.Make no mistake, losing weight is a challenge even under normal circumstances. It is often used in breast cancer. I genuinely was not sure I could lose weight.”If you need help losing weight and building a plan that will work for you, this is what we live for!In 2007, I quit my job to start MyBodyTutor. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. No games, no spam. Knowing about the potential interactions between tamoxifen and antidepressants is crucial if you are considering using any of these drugs (or you already do). Only useful info you can apply to your life right away.© 2007 - 2020 My Body Tutor, Inc. | All rights reserved.Question about the program? It’s about realizing your beliefs and assumptions were just that…beliefs and assumptions.It’s about a new attitude of, “What’s next?” because when you conquer yourself, you truly feel like you can overcome anything, and that is life changing!Emotional eating is when we eat outside of being physically hungry. I was on Pristiq, and due to my husbands company changing insurance, my copay for the Pristiq was $70.00. However, there are other medications that may affect the availability of CYP2D6 in the body. According to the While tamoxifen is not the only medication used to treat hormone-sensitive breast cancer, it is a common one.One of the most extensive clinical studies related to tamoxifen and weight gain was the women’s healthy eating and living (WHEL) study. According to the If a woman has any concerns over weight gain related to taking tamoxifen, she should talk to her doctor. Zoloft caused weight loss as well, for me. However, the research does not state that all women who take tamoxifen will gain weight.While doctors do not associate tamoxifen with causing weight gain, there are other side effects associated with taking the drug.Taking tamoxifen may alter the effectiveness of some medications, just as some medications might affect how well tamoxifen works.This is because tamoxifen needs an enzyme called CYP2D6 to work properly. When I went on lexapro, I weighed around 120 lbs and gained almost 40 pounds within 4 months of taking it, despite my appetite/food intake remaining the same. I have searched many online forums and found there are a lot of people who are experiencing the same issues and can't get rid of the weight for anything. I have googled this subject, and metabolism does seem to come into it. I have friends/family who are on Effexor and absolutely NONE have had any weight gain at all from Effexor.