On the days you take 2 pills to make up for missed pills, you could also feel a little sick to your stomach.5. However, both studies were performed with oral contraceptive formulations containing 50 mcg or higher of estrogens.One study gathered data from a variety of sources which have estimated the mortality rate associated with different methods of contraception at different ages (Table 4). The risk is very low under the age of 30.Smoking in combination with oral contraceptive use has been shown to contribute substantially to the incidence of myocardial infarctions in women in their mid-thirties or older with smoking accounting for the majority of excess cases. It is not known whether the increase in breast cancer diagnosis is caused by the pill. The risk of morbidity and mortality increases significantly in the presence of other underlying risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemias, obesity, and diabetes.Practitioners prescribing oral contraceptives should be familiar with the following information relating to these risks.The information contained in this package insert is principally based on studies carried out in patients who used oral contraceptives with higher formulations of estrogens and progestogens than those in common use today. If women elect to use oral contraceptives, they should be monitored closely, and if significant elevation of blood pressure occurs, oral contraceptives should be discontinued. In case of overdosage, contact your healthcare provider or pharmacist.Your healthcare provider will take a medical and family history and examine you before prescribing oral contraceptives. Menopause is called the “change of life” for a reason. The physical examination, however, may be deferred until after initiation of oral contraceptives if requested by the woman and judged appropriate by the clinician. Sex-binding globulins are increased and result in elevated levels of total circulating sex steroids and corticoids; however, free or biologically active levels remain unchanged.g. In effect, this causes menopause. Although this is not one of the vitamins that make you gain weight, it is still important to have enough of it in your body when you are trying to gain some weight. Almost immediately after childbirth, estrogen and progesterone levels drop to their prepregnancy state. Liver tumors, which may rupture and cause severe bleeding. Through much of adulthood, women tend to carry fat on their hips and thighs. You should be reexamined at least once a year while taking oral contraceptives. MISSING PILLS CAN ALSO CAUSE SPOTTING OR LIGHT BLEEDING, even when you make up these missed pills. However, if you miss your period 2 months in a row, call your doctor or clinic because you might be pregnant.The incidence of pill failure resulting in pregnancy is approximately 1% (i.e., one pregnancy per 100 women per year) if taken every day as directed, but more typical failure rates are about 5%. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Women who use oral contraceptives should be strongly advised not to smoke.Some women should not use the pill. The primary oxidative metabolite is 2-hydroxy ethinyl estradiol, formed by the CYP3A4 isoform of cytochrome P450. This risk is primarily in smokers or women with other underlying risk factors for coronary artery disease such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, morbid obesity, and diabetes. If you experience fluid retention, contact your doctor or healthcare provider.A spotty darkening of the skin is possible, particularly of the face.Other side effects may include change in appetite, headache, nervousness, depression, dizziness, loss of scalp hair, rash, and vaginal infections.If any of these side effects bother you, call your doctor or healthcare provider.There may be times when you may not menstruate regularly after you have completed taking a cycle of pills.