Although researching before surgery is beneficial, you don’t have to worry about becoming an expert. Re: How long after tooth extraction can I eat on that side and brush the area? Your surgeon will provide you with in-depth aftercare instructions for your tooth extraction recovery. After having your tooth extracted, your dentist would most likely give you guidelines as to what to expect during your recovery. Gradually add solid foods as you heal. Nothing really hot in your mouth no hot super hot coffee anything cold is going to minimize the swelling. Tobacco causes blood vessels to constrict or narrow, and that can influence the way the surgical wound heals. It’s important to keep food out of the sockets for four to six weeks.But people get tired of eating liquids and soft mushy foods and sometimes try to go back to eating a normal diet a little too soon. The chemicals, such as carbon monoxide that are produced from smoking can lessen blood flow.. Any kind of tea bag will do and bite on that tea bag the tannins in the tea will actually help constrict the blood vessels and the pressure you’re applying will help stop the bleeding and The next thing we want to address is the swelling. If the food does get stuck in a socket and can’t be dislodged using the irrigation syringe then contact your dentist and have him or her check this area of concern. In this article, we give a brief overview of some of the foods to eat after a tooth extraction. Normally after dental surgery, a clot develops immediately in the socket left in the socket marking the start of the process of recovery. So taking an anti-inflammatory medication that could be ibuprofen that could be a leave, whatever you’re able to take that you take for normal aches and pains. We recommend you strictly chew on the side of your mouth opposite from the treated area. Before you undergo a tooth extraction procedure, such as wisdom teeth removal, it’s crucial to discuss the procedure at length with your oral surgeon. Copyright © and you don’t want to really eat anything sharp or crunchy that could get stuck in that hole during a healing process. These foods are also good for patients having periodontal surgery. Your surgeon may also recommend the avoidance of alcohol for at least the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery, as alcohol may interact with your post-op medications and delay wound healing.For 1 to 2 weeks after your surgery, you will be advised to avoid chewing food on the extraction site, to avoid disruption to the healing process. After Surgery, When Can I Eat Again? For 1 to 2 weeks after your surgery, you will be advised to avoid chewing food on the extraction site, to avoid disruption to the healing process. So what happens if you eat something too solid too soon. At that time, they will assess your healing to ensure you're having a successful tooth extraction recovery. It’s important to keep food out of the sockets for four to six weeks. Sarasota Dentistry has compiled a list of foods to eat following dental surgery, dental implants or wisdom teeth extractions. Some of the best foods to eat immediately after a … Start off gently so you don't make the socket sore, you should be fine now. Although this may sound counterintuitive, avoid drinking from a straw until you fully heal because the suction can dislodge the blood clot and prolong your healing time. Your dentist will have placed gauze on top of the extraction site after your surgery and may have given you some to take home. After having your tooth extracted, your dentist would most likely give you guidelines as to what to expect during your recovery. We strive to provide our patients with the highest quality care at an affordable price. Have you scheduled your tooth extraction surgery yet? See your dentist if you experience signs of an infection, such as a fever, swelling or pain that is getting worse, pus draining from the surgery site or bleeding that persists or doesn't respond to pressure. We recommend you eat the following:For the week after surgery, you should avoid eating hard, chewy, crunchy foods, such as chips, nuts, and popcorn. After more involved ones (surgical extractions, the removal of multiple teeth) you may need to favor your extraction site for most of a week as its healing gradually progresses. You might be asking “How long after tooth extraction can I eat normal food?”. Also avoid crunchy and sticky foods, which can dislodge the clot if chewed near the extraction site.After eating, you will want to keep the area clean, but follow your surgeon's guidelines regarding brushing, flossing and rinsing -- and when you can resume your usual dental care. However, it would still be important not to chew using the teeth that are on the same side as the surgery, just to make sure the healing process continues.After meals, it would be important to make sure that the area is clean, to avoid any infections from forming.