The best sense of what might help and what probably doesn’t can likely be found on forums for interstitial cystitisUrinary retention is a real thing. Could this also be linked to 13 years Seroxat use ? Blank stare from the doctor. Celexa is messing up with hormons and with liver.Hi Kenneth.

It was at that point that I was no longer able to “finish” with my new girlfriend, even with the viagra. Urinary flow can usually be tested in the urological departments of most hospitals. Since I have been off I have experienced major digestive problems virtually everything seems to make me sick I also notice my moods coinside with the digestive issues. Don’t give up maybe see if you can find a really good pharmacist like I did.Trying to get off antidepressants has been a nightmare literally. I suffer from all over joint and muscle pain to the point where I cannot sleep on my sides at all as the shoulder and hip pain is too intense. So I soldiered on, up 3 to 4 times a night, eliminated alcohol, caffeine and acidic foods, but still up 4 times a night.I’ve stopped taking the antidepresant sertraline after taking it for nine years I’m having alot of bladder problems peeing alot feeling that I want to pee all the time and pain down below when I pee.can you helpThis sounds like a legacy effect from the sertraline you were on.

ALERT: Weird Gut Bacteria Linked to Digestion, Heart, Obesity, Brain Problems Here are seven things you should know about probiotics and antidepressants: 1. The ED and lack of arousal led to my marriages down fall.

All tests came back normal. Everything came back as normal. This can be done anonymously. He suspected IBS.After some time, it felt little bettwr but i suffered from constipation, i knew something is not quite right.

I always hope it’s IC because there is more than can be done for it, in my case at least.I can add a couple of personal experiences: Interesting to see that current thinking relates the problems peeing on tricyclics as related to catecholamine dysfunction, not cholinergenic. I have been on it since I was 18. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself the same things I’m telling you, when I was 14 and experiencing the same thing, diarrhea 3 months in. There seems to be too many people invested in making sure the dangers are greatly minimised or completely covered up.I’m incredibly angry with the doctors who gave me these drugs, and with me, that I was so naive.I have been on Effexor xr for over 20 years and at first, when I experienced overactive bladder including terrible nocturia my psychiatrist didn’t believe me. I’m a mess. It may only happen occasionally but it’s probably very disconcerting when it does.The writers of this post barely knew about any of this a few months ago.

Some time s barely make it to the.

Sorry for the giant wall of text The problem starts on an antidepressant but has been known to persist indefinitely after the drug is stopped.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Also not a good idea.Wow, I didn’t realize you said how long due to brain fog, another symptom of antidepressants.

Have you seen any additional improvement since you wrote this post?Hi Andy.

I believe these drugs make it so one can never get off them and return to their old self.

That’s actually how I figure out if the bladder symptoms I’m having at a particular time are IC or the neuralgia because there are some symptom overlap between the 2.

Then stopped suddenly, which was a mistake i later learned, learned the hard way. I had many withdrawal symptoms such as the brain zaps, sudden brief disorientation, forgetfulness, sudden need to cry, angry outbursts, confusion and the worst which is still ongoing;14 loos/watery bowel movements a day. As with many adverse effects, there are likely to be varying degrees of the problem, meaning that for some people it may be relatively mild but nevertheless still cause discomfort and inconvenience.Digestive and gastrointestinal issues are common side effects when starting or coming off antidepressants, especially serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Btw, medication alone helped me, the symptoms went worst to bad in a few months but still problem was there, he again told me to go to gym. We would welcome any reports of other or related difficulties.

Decided to go off due to the extreme weight gain. My guess is too that the IBS will never be related to drug damage. So I’m 4 weeks in on my zoloft and yesterday, blood in my semen. Doctor says I have IBS.

Escitalopram effects the serotonin in your brain which in return effects your bowels. I am so afraid to leave my house bc I keep going to the bathroom. Anyways, her body is reacting negatively on them for a reason. It seems like I will never recover.I’m three months off Zoloft and I’m in hell. I stopped showering and brushing my teeth.

She was right, so that inspired me to start weaning off.

I go to the urologist and always get diagnosed with prostatitis.

I had the same inability to orgasm when on Zoloft. Gradually i felt better, not quite better but my life got normal. Could Sertraline be inflamming my prostrate and causing the small blood secretions when I have bowel movements?Semen leakage post bowel movement.